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We facilitate processes that strengthen,
"The Ability to Think"


We believe in Personal Leadership
We believe in establishing long-term relationships
We believe in impacting our clients significantly


Committed to your leadership


The TMC Business Blueprint

What does each element mean?

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Joe's Office - 2.jpg

What is the purpose of the Business Blueprint?

At TMC, we utilize the Business Blueprint as a compass that directs our thinking towards Client Experience, Why We Exist and our Principles.

CLIENT EXPERIENCE - Committed to your leadership

At TMC, when we say that we are committed to your leadership, we are committing to you as a whole person. Here we practice what is called the Total Alignment Model, which focuses on Headset, Heartset and Skillset. This creates the foundation for approaching your leadership development of your mindset, heart and skill. We are committed to you. All of you.

This is our "Why." This is what drives our business, our processes and our team.

When making decisions at TMC we ask ourselves: "Does this strengthen the Ability to Think?"

WHY WE EXIST - to facilitate processes that strengthen "The Ability to Think"


We believe in Personal Leadership

We believe that everyone has Personal Leadership. Leadership does not always mean that you hold a leadership position. Leadership is influence. It is about the example you set and the influence you have on those around you.
That is Personal Leadership.

We believe in establishing long-term relationships

When establishing relationships we approach them with a long-term mindset. We strive to create value through true, meaningful investment in the whole-person across time.

We believe in impacting our clients significantly

We strive to impact our clients significantly through their experience with TMC.

The Management Connection, Inc.
4444 Carter Creek Parkway, Ste. 110 – Bryan, TX 77802

Phone: (979) 846-4481


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